
2nd 2016 Annual Reunion of the RTBSF (Binational Border Health Thematic Network)

Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Place: Mexico City
Representatives: Dr. Rogelio Zapata and Dr. Eduardo González

Tijuana, B.C. – On November 25 and 26, the 2016 Annual Reunion of the CSFMEU, Mexico and United States was carried out, sharing its achievements and celebrating the Binational Collaboration. Different authorities of the health field in the ten border states of both countries assisted to the event, they were represented by twelve member of each countries.


During the event, the activities of the Binational Border Health Thematic Network were presented, and Dr. Rogelio Zapata Garibay, technical representative, explained the purposes of the Network and the importance of contributing to the knowledge generation of the border health problems; in addition, he spoke of the achievements of the RTBSF by contributing to the development and capacitation of the human resources in the region’s public health.

In the event, it was mentioned the importance of supporting the health services in border states with activities oriented to modify habits, because we need a community with healthy life styles and that will be achieved with prevention and collaboration.


