Virtual Library in Border Health
Training program designed based on identified needs in the situational diagnosis for infrastructure and operation in universities of the northern border of Mexico, aimed at operators selected from competencies and needs focused on Border Public Health.

Master´s Program in Public Health with a Terminal in Border Health
The objective of redesigning the Master's Degree in Public Health with Border Health Terminal of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ), was thought with professional orientation whose purpose is to train human resources with innovative capacity in their...
Program of Incorporation of Students
Strengthen research skills and knowledge in undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in the US-Mexico border health issue through development and training in different public health activities in the border region.
Repatriated Migrante Health Program
The module provides comprehensive health care to repatriated Mexicans in collaboration with the National Institute of Migration with repatriation points located in the border ports of northern Mexico. Its objective is to contribute to the protection of the health of...
Observatory of Accidents and External Injuries
Proposed architecture on an observatory of accidents and external injuries of the northern border region of Mexico, to locate the priority indices in accidents.
Design Summer Workshop in Research in Border Health
In Mexico, six states share a dividing line with four from the United States; therefore, the "Border Health Research Summer" was designed to integrate and train postgraduate students through projects guided by experts to train young students and future experts in...

Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Fronteriza (BVSF)
Programa de capacitación diseñado a partir de necesidades identificadas en el diagnóstico situacional para infraestructura y operación en universidades de la frontera norte de México, dirigido a operadores seleccionados a partir de competencias y necesidades enfocadas...

Reportes de actividades de la Red Temática Binacional en Salud Fronteriza

Migrant’s Health Booth
The Booth brings integral attention on health subject to repatriated mexicans collaborating with the Migration National Institute (INAMI) with repatriated access points on the north of Mexico border ports. Whose objective is to contribute to the protection to the migrant’s health, boosting promotion and prevention actions on the deportation moment, bringing integral attention that includes medic, psychological, orientation, detection and test valuations.

Talleres de fortalecimiento de capacidades para profesionales de salud y académicos de la RTBSF
Cursos de capacitación en temáticas especificas que permitan fortalecer las capacidades de elaboración de propuestas de investigación, la cooperación interinstitucional entre los participantes de la red y/u otros agentes relacionados para potenciar la generación, transmisión y difusión del conocimiento en materia de salud fronteriza.